How to get From Guatemala City to San Pedro la Laguna?

There are 1 way to get from GUATEMALA CITY TO SAN PEDRO LA LAGUNA by Shared Minivan, Private transfers, and Standard Car with 1 Local operators.

Shuttle Bus Tickets Emotion Travel

Shared Shuttle by Maya Travel

Pick up: Guatemala City, Western Camino Real hOtel, Airport La Aurora, (others hotels or hostels Located Zona 10, 13, 09.)
Drop off: Calle del Embarcadero a Panajachel, 8a Calle, Zona 2, San Pedro La Laguna 07018
Durarion: 5 hrs.

Trip Note: This is Shared Minivan up to 12 PAX from Guatemala city to San Pedro La Laguna

1 times a day
Price From:
US$ 40 P/


Book Online Standard Shared Car van Minivan tickets Schedule | Routes: From Guatemala City - Antigua - San Pedro la Laguna. |