There are 10 ways to get from PANAJACHEL TO GUATEMALA CITY by Shared Minivan, Private transfers, or Standard Car with 5 Local operators.
Pick up: Panajachel Hotel
Drop off: Guatemala City Airport La Aurora or Hostels
Durarion: 4 hrs.
Trip Note: This is a Shared Minivan for 14 PAX from Panajachel to Guatemala city | This Ride stop in Antigua.
Pick up: Panajachel Hotel
Drop off: Guatemala City Hotel or Airport La Aurora
Durarion: 4 hrs.
Trip Note: This is a Shared Minivan for 12 PAX from Panajachel to Guatemala city | This Ride stop in Antigua.
Pick up: Panajachel Hotel
Drop off:
Guatemala City Hotel
Durarion: 4 hrs.
Trip Note: This is a Shuttle Shared Minivan for 15 PAX, from Panajachel to Guatemala city, this ride goes by Antigua Routes, so very possible to dropp off at Zona 1, 10, 13 and 09 or Airport La Aurora
Pick up: Panajachel Hotel
Drop off: Guatemala City Hotel
Durarion: 4 hrs.
Trip Note: This is a Private MINIVAN TRANSFERS up to 08 PAX from Panajachel to Guatemala city.
Pick up: Panajachel Hotel
Drop off: Guatemala City Hotel
Durarion: 4 hrs.
Trip Note: This is a Private MINIVAN TRANSFERS up to 08 PAX from Panajachel to Guatemala city.
Pick up: Panajachel Hotel
Drop off: Guatemala City Hotel
Durarion: 4 hrs.
Trip Note: This is a Private MINIVAN TRANSFERS up to 05 PAX from Panajachel to Guatemala city.
Pick up: Panajachel Hotel
Drop off: Guatemala City Hotel
Durarion: 4 hrs.
Trip Note: This is a Private Car Transfers up to 03PAX from Panajachel to Guatemala city.
Pick up: Panajachel Hotel
Drop off: Guatemala City Hotel
Durarion: 4 hrs.
Trip Note: This is a Shared Minivan for 10 PAX from Panajachel to Guatemala city | This Ride stop in Antigua.
Pick up: Panajachel Hotel
Drop off: Guatemala City Hotel
Durarion: 4 hrs.
Trip Note: This is a Private MINIVAN TRANSFERS up to 14 PAX with Atitrans from Panajachel to Guatemala city (AT)
Pick up: Panajachel Hotel
Drop off: Guatemala City Hotel
Durarion: 4 hrs.
Trip Note: This is a Private MINIVAN TRANSFERS Up to 16 Pax from Panajachel to Guatemala city.