There are 11 ways to get from PANAJACHEL TO ANTIGUA by Shared Minivan, Private transfers, or Standard Car with 5 Local operators.
Pick up: Antigua Hotel
Drop off: Panajachel Hotel
Durarion: 2.5 hrs.
Trip Note: This is a Shared Minivan for 10 PAX with Atitrans from Panajachel to Antigua
Pick up: Any hotels-hostel or Ferry Terminal in Panajachel
Drop off: Any hotels - hostels in Antigua
Durarion: 2.5 hrs.
Trip Note: This is a Shared Minivan for 14 PAX from Panajachel to Antigua.
Pick up: Panajachel Hotel
Drop off: Antigua Guatemala Hotel
Durarion: 2.5 hrs.
Trip Note: This is Shared Standard Minivan for 10 PAX from Panajachel to Antigua
Pick up: Panajachel Hotel, Boat Terminal
Drop off: Antigua Guatemala Hotel
Durarion: 2.5 hrs.
Trip Note: This is a Shared Minivan for 14 PAX from Panajachel to Antigua.
Pick up: Panajachel Hotel
Drop off: Antigua Guatemala Hotel
Durarion: 2.3 hrs.
Trip Note: This is Shared Standard Minivan for 10 PAX with Magic Shuttle from Panajachel to Antigua
Pick up: Panajachel Hotel
Drop off: Antigua Guatemala Hotel
Durarion: 2.3 hrs.
Trip Note: This is Shared Standard Minivan for 10 PAX with Magic Shuttle from Panajachel to Antigua
Pick up: Panajachel Hotel
Drop off: Antigua Guatemala Hotel
Durarion: 2.5 hrs.
Trip Note: This is a PRIVATE TRANSFERS Up to 03 Pax directly from Panajachel to Antigua.
Pick up: Panajachel Hotel
Drop off: Antigua Guatemala Hotel
Durarion: 2.5 hrs.
Trip Note: This is a PRIVATE TRANSFERS up to 10 PAX direct with Atitrans from Panajachel to Antigua.
Pick up: Panajachel Hotel
Drop off: Antigua Guatemala Hotel
Durarion: 2.5 hrs.
Trip Note: This is a PRIVATE TRANSFERS Up to 05 Pax direct from Panajachel to Antigua.
Pick up: Panajachel Hotel
Drop off: Antigua Guatemala Hotel
Durarion: 2.5 hrs.
Trip Note: This is PRIVATE MINIVAN TRANSFERS up to 08 PAX direct from Panajachel to Antigua.
Pick up: Panajachel Hotel
Drop off: Antigua Guatemala Hotel
Durarion: 2.5 hrs.
Trip Note: This is a PRIVATE TRANSFERS Up to 16 Pax directly from Panajachel to Antigua.
Pick up: Panajachel Hotel
Drop off: Antigua Guatemala Hotel
Durarion: 2.5 hrs.
Trip Note: This is a PRIVATE TRANSFERS up to 14 PAX direct with Atitrans from Panajachel to Antigua.
Pick up: Panajachel Hotel
Drop off: Antigua Guatemala Hotel
Durarion: 2.5 hrs.
Trip Note: This is a Private Car for 3 PAX from Panajachel to Antigua.
Pick up: Panajachel Hotel
Drop off: Antigua Guatemala Hotel
Durarion: 2.5 hrs.
Trip Note: This is a Private Transfer for 08 PAX from Panajachel to Antigua.
Pick up: Panajachel Hotel
Drop off: Antigua Guatemala Hotel
Durarion: 2.5 hrs.
Trip Note: This is a Private Transfer for 18 PAX from Panajachel to Antigua.