How to get from Flores Santa Elena to Guatemala city?

There are 3 ways to Get from SANTA ELENA FLORES TO GUATEMALA CITY by Comfortable Reclining Seats Autobus with 3 transport company.

Ride Autobus Tickets Maya de Oro

Reclining Seats Bus by Maya de Oro

Pick up: Mercado Nuevo 86120 Zona 2, Santa Elena Flores Peten
Drop off: 17 Calle 8-46 Zona 1 Guatemala, Guatemala
Durarion: 8 hrs.

Trip Note: This is a Bus Tourist for 50 PAX from Flores to Guatemala city, Know this ride you should be at Bus counter at Santa Elena 30 minute before to leave. this a day and overnight bus.

4 times a day
Price From:
US$ 41 P/


Ride Autobus Tickets Maya de Oro

VIP SEATS Bus by Maya de Oro

Pick up: Santa Elena Bus station, Mercado Nuevo 86120 Zona 2, Santa Elena Flores Peten.
Drop off: Guatemala city, 17 Calle 8-46 Zona 1 Guatemala
Durarion: 8 hrs.

Trip Note: This is a Bus Tourist for 48 PAX from Flores to Guatemala city, Know this ride you should be at Bus counter at Santa Elena 30 minute before to leave. this is a VIP SEATS overnight bus.

2 times a day
Price From:
US$47 P/


Ride Autobus Tickets Transportes Cristobal Colon

Reclining Seats Bus by Cristobal Colon

Pick up: Santa Elena Bus station
Drop off: 17 Calle, Zona 1 Cdad. de Guatemala
Durarion: 8 hrs.

Trip Note: This is a Tourist Cristobal Colon for 45 Reclining seats, from Flores Peten to Guatemala City, its a Bus Station to Bus Station ride, note you should arrive at the Counter of Fuentes del Norte Bus at 30 minutes before to show your ticket up.

4 times a day
Price From:
US$ 41 P/


Ride Autobus Tickets Fuentes del Norte

Reclining Seats Bus by Fuentes del Norte

Pick up: Santa Elena Bus station
Drop off: Guatemala city Zone 18
Durarion: 8 hrs.

Trip Note: This is a Bus Tourist for 45 PAX from Flores to Guatemala city, Know this ride you should be at Bus counter at Santa Elena 30 minute before to leave. this a day and overnight bus.

2 times a day
Price From:
US$41 P/


Book Online Autobus Shuttle ride tickets | 45 reclining seats, VIP Seats Scheduled Routes: From Santa Elena Flores Peten to Guatemala city. |