How to get from San Salvador to Guatemala City

Ride Autobus Tickets Transoprtes del Sol

Reclining Seats BUS by Cristobal Colon

Pick up: San Salvador, El Salvador
Drop off: Calz. Aguilar Batres, Cdad. de Guatemala
Durarion: 6 hrs.

Trip Note: This is a shared Tourist Bus for 50 Passengers with TRANSPORTE EL SOL from San Salvador to Guatemala city

1 times a day
Price From:
US$ 34 P/


Ride Autobus Tickets Transoprtes del Sol

Reclining Seats BUS by TRANSPORTE EL SOL

Pick up: San Salvador, El Salvador
Drop off: Hotel Las America zona 13
Durarion: 6 hrs.

Trip Note: This is a shared Tourist Bus for 50 Passengers with TRANSPORTE EL SOL from San Salvador to Guatemala city

1 times a day
Price From:
US$ 31 P/


Ride Autobus Tickets Ticabus El Salvador

Reclining Seats Bus by Ticabus

Pick up: San Salvador, El Salvador
Drop off: Calz. Aguilar Batres, Cdad. de Guatemala
Durarion: 6 hrs.

Trip Note: This is a shared Tourist Bus for 30 Passengers with TICA BUS from San Salvador to Guatemala city

1 times a day
Price From:
US$ 34 P/


Book online tickets relining 50 seats Autobus Shuttle bus amenities | Routes: From San Salvador to Guatemala City |